Thursday, August 20, 2009

Saving a soul.

Today when I stepped out of my car at worked, a person asking for spare change approached me. He just needs $2.00 to get a cup of coffee.
During my dinner break; I quickly drove down to the nearest shopping center to pick up a few supplies and lunch. As I stepped out of my car, a person who was looking for $25.00 approached me.

“My car has broken down and I have locked my baby in it.” She said.
“ OH My. Let me call 911 and get the police to come help you. That is horrible.” I said.
“ No it’s okay, my baby is sleeping, and I just need the money to pay get the door unlocked.” She replied.
“ NO really, let me get the police and we will go to your car. This is horrible”. I countered.
Then next words out of her mouth I cannot repeat as she walked away quickly to try her story on another person.
Homeless, panhandlers, liars and thieves. That is what runs through my mind when I see them.
Why is it that I can go out and find a job that pays my bills, puts a roof over my head and food in my stomach? I am not anything special. I do not have any degrees, so why can’t they find work?
And they are everywhere. On street corners, shopping centers, outside video stores. Some holding signs, some with stories and some just begging.
I remember another time, when I was heading up to Dawson Creek, BC. (Mile zero on the Alaska Highway). I drove past a young man holding a sign saying.” Please help. Have job in Alaska, need to get there by Monday.” I pulled up beside him and rolled down my window. He ran towards my car.
“ HI, I am going up to Dawson creek today. I can drive you that far; from there you could get a ride to wherever you need to go in Alaska with one of the truck drivers. We could have you there in 24 hours. However I need to stop at the grocery store first. I will be back in 10 minutes to get you.” (I was feeling generous that day.)
Ten minutes later the young man was nowhere to be seen. He didn’t want to go to Alaska after all.
I have seen them holding signs saying. ‘Hungry’ and then after a few hours they walk away leaving behind on the curb, bags of food that someone so generously gave them.
Why do we, as a society, let them co-exist with us? I think we should take a page from Vancouver’s city council and round them up and bus them off to some other city. Or better yet, lets do what Britain did and send them and all the criminals charged with a life sentence to an uninhabited island. Think about it.
Would you risk doing anything criminal if you ended up living on an island in the artic ocean? Put them on a ship, drop them off on the island and let them fend for themselves.
Why should we as a society have to pay for their laziness?

I read in a magazine today, that scientists are playing with DNA from dinosaurs. There is another thought. Take all the undesirables and let them work in Jurassic park. If a few people go missing as dino food every once in a while, what harm would there be. It would certainly scare me into never doing anything wrong.
“ Excuse me, would you happen to have.” Swoops in the round -up squad, and suddenly I am left with a quiet and friendly environment.

These plans would certainly clean up the neighbourhoods, cut down on my taxes and make space in our over crowded jails and hospitals, not to mention less stress on our emotions.
It would certainly save my soul, since every time they approach I want to reach for my baseball bat and just start swinging.
Seriously. Think about it.

(This blog was written as the negative view to the reality of homelessness. It was written with my tongue in my cheek. Actually my opinion is similar to what is being done in Portland Oregon… check it out. )

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