Sunday, August 16, 2009

Top 10 part two

Everyone has a top ten list they can think of, Top 10 movies, top 10 songs, and top 10 games, whatever your interests are.

Here is my question for the day.

Can you list 10 things you like about yourself? Be Honest. Can you? I dare you.

There are so many things about people that are likable: their eyes, their smiles, their haircuts, their personality, their laughter, their sense of humour, the ability to forgive, the ability to love, the fact that most everyone is kind hearted and when faced with something terrible that happened will get involved. The question should be why is it easier to list the top ten things I hate about myself?

Why do we feel that by feeling confident about what we do make us a bad person? If I am talented at something special why shouldn't I be proud of it? I am proud of my brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews and friends who dare to try something new. To me it doesn’t matter if they succeed at it, I am proud that they tried.

Why is it that the media has such a control over us that people will ruin their lives just to look like the model in the fashion magazines? We all know that the pictures are airbrushed and touched up to make them look thinner, taller, prefect skinned and yet we still look at ourselves in the mirror and say ”Ugh I need to lose more weight.”
There are diet pills, diet books, exercise programs all designed on the lie that you have to fit the cookie cutter image. Well I broke the cookie cutter long ago. I don’t mean that we shouldn’t be healthy and physically fit, but we should be ourselves and be proud of how we are made.
Why do we feel the need to belittle others to make us feel better about ourselves? Why do we tease and torment our peers just because they are different from us. We know when we are children that we do not see color, race or differentiate between us. You are only someone I could play and have fun with. It is only as we get older that we are taught there are differences.
Why does the colour of our skin, the religion that we practice, the choice of who we love, the people we befriend, make us think that we are right and they are wrong?

Why are the most popular video games sold in the markets today filled with violence? Why is it that society has forgotten how to forgive and instead reaches for a gun when it feels threatened or afraid?
Why have we become a society of “ Me” minded people. When asked to do something why is the first thought always” what will I get out of this?”
Why are we selfish?
When we do things that help others we feel good about ourselves and yet we always seem to choose to take instead of give.

I could go on ranting but I think I have taken enough of your time.

So the question I dare you to answer is this.

Why is it easier for us to list the top ten things I hate about myself and what am I going to do to change it?


  1. I love your idea! I have been blogging for several is very cathartic!

    I am gonna start these comments on a positive note...not dwelling on things i DON'T like...but rather things I do!

    10 things I like about no particular order.

    1. I'm creative
    2. I'm not a typical guy (Stay at home father, hobbies that other men don't have, etc.)
    3. I love being a musician
    4. I am a good father, husband, son, and friend.
    5. I am caring, sympathetic, and generous.
    6. I hate to see people who are lonely...I always try and seek them out and comfort them and make them feel included.
    7. I am eternal optimist who believes in the good of humanity.
    8. I love birds and flowers...caring for them...and the feeling it brings me and others.
    9. My sense of humor.
    10. I like who I am when I look in the mirror :)

    Great blog and great idea to double blog...I am gonna post this on the other site as well :)

    Good luck with your blogs!! :)

    The Egel Nest
